Wishibam X Public Sector

A benchmark solution for the public sector digital transformation

We support the public sector on its digitization initiatives: revitalizing city center commerce, digitizing procurement process, highlighting the strengths of each territory, (...)

Digital transformation: your challenge for the next 10 years

Whether you want to support the digital transition of your town's businesses, simplify administrative procedures or modernise internal management of your administration, Wishibam is the solution your are looking for. 

Our platform is designed to digitalise retail destinations. We know and understand their constraints and adapt to them.

Manage your procurement efficiently, automate low value tasks and equip your teams with digital tools designed for operational performance.

Showcase your regional commerce and its products, and boost local business.



years of experience in tech and retail

Digital maturity audit

Technical solution

Field support

Operational management

Support the transition of physical stores

Catalog digitalization, e-commerce and online product diffusion

80% of consumers research online before visiting a store, and 73% of mobile searches result in local purchases. Visibility on social media and search engines is paramount for local businesses survival. Furthermore, 75% of consumers expect local businesses to offer delivery. Unfortunately, selling online is not the primary focus of these merchants. They lack the time and resources to digitize their operations. This is why our solutions are as simple and user friendly as it gets ! Today, more than 2,500 small business owners are using them.

  • Stock Easy: the simplest way to create your product catalogue and showcase it online
  • Wishibam Marketplace: sell online with a community of other independent sellers
  • OMS: manage logistics and multi-channel returns with ease
  • Databoard: centralise and analyse your data

Digitalize your procurement process

Facilitating your purchasing process: simplified e-procurement

Simplifying the purchasing process while complying with regulations is possible. Our solutions will streamline operations for your teams and service providers. Centralize suppliers and offers on a single platform.

  • Tender management
  • Suppliers & service providers management
  • Customize validation processes
  • Centralise and data analysis
phygital experience

Showcase the unique features and strengths of your region

Simplify networking, generate business

The local businesses you support , the producers, or your region's unique features (...) deserve to be promoted in a "club" or to the "general public". Create strong synergies within your territory.

  • Digitalize local activities
  • Member referencing
  •  Set up & monitor connections
  • Generate business
Wishibam Marketplace

Manage everything in one single place

Data management
Inventory management & auto-correct
Order management system
Call for tender management
Gestion des devis
Advanced merchant management
Product feed management
Advanced search
Headless architecture
Multiple payment methods

Discover our researches

Local e-commerce, successes and failures

Today, new distribution and consumption channels are revolutionizing buying behavior, and helping to draw consumers away from town centers. As a result, many towns and cities are experiencing increasing retail vacancy due to declining footfall and sales. At the same time, the phygital trend seems to be gaining ground: consumers are hybridizing online/offline consumption channels, and local retailers are having to adapt. What are the key success factors?

B2B e-commerce platform: what are the keys to success?

Overcome the 4 main obstacles to the success of your B2B project - it's possible! The digitalization of B2B sales activity is emerging as a must for companies and public administrations alike. We will tell you everything you need to know about setting up an effective B2B experience.