WISHIBAM X Web-to-store

Boost retail stores performance with omnichannel

From web-to-store to store-to-web, consumers are looking for an experience that reconciles the best of both worlds. We use digital to enrich the customer experience.

plateforme e-commerce B2B

Improve customer experience

Optimize inventory management

Personalize the customer journey

The benefits of web-in-store

Interactive screens

Access customer data on any device

Unified inventory

Increase available stock

Ship from store

Manage your local visibility

times more spent by an omnichannel consumer
web to store
Wishibam partners

International brands already trust us!

WISHIBAM Marketplace & Unified Inventory

Expand your physical and digital product range

Increase your catalog without worrying about logistics

Customers are more and more demanding: they expect to find everything they look for everywhere, at any time. Exceed their expectations with the speed, strength and agility of your own marketplace. 

Improve your conversion rates

It's possible to increase your sales without increasing your costs! All you have to do is increase your online conversion rate by unifying your inventories. Unified inventories will also drive qualified traffic to your stores!

WISHIBAM omnichannel OMS

Reduce the cost of logistics

Get your products closer to your customers

Your stores network covers the whole country? all the better! Use them as anchors for click & collect orders and product exchange.   

Include ship-from-store to your delivery process

Integrate ship from store according to your business rules! Ship products depending on their turnover rate and the carbon footprint of the delivery.

WISHIBAM Data management

Unify your data

Unify customer data

Customer data is consolidated and accessible by your teams. Your algorithms can use it to make personalized product recommendations.

Unify store data

Your network is not uniform in terms of information systems. With Wishibam hub, consolidate your data efortlessly. Are your teams inconsistent in terms of results? Monitor performance in a single place.

Wishibam Dashboard Données Unifiées

Local Data Management

More local visibility, more control.

Thanks to Stock Easy, shops can easily manage their local offering and promotions through social media. Multiplied visibility, managed from a single tool, from posting to reporting.

Google My Business


Google see what's in store

Wishibam Marketplace

Manage everything in one single place

Data management
Inventory management & auto-correct
Order management system
Complex price and promotion management
Content management and tracking
Advanced merchant management
Product feed management
Advanced search
Headless architecture
Multiple payment methods